3/11/11 and 3/15/11

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

On Friday, there was a substitute. You should have completed "Regional notes" about Northern, Western, Southern, and Eastern Europe, then summarized the things you learned in "The Important Book" (you'll need to get this from the classroom in order to complete it...the region notes can be found on the blog).

Today (Tuesday) we reviewed some of the main ideas in Europe in the form of a timeline (Greek&Roman Empires, Reformation, Industrial Revolution, WWI, WWII, Cold War, Fall of the Berlin Wall), then we put together a giant map of Europe. We learned how to synthesize data and added the information we learned about GDP, HDI, and internet use to our giant map. We began discussing the European Union and will finish our worksheet next time in class.

1st and 3rd period homework: Complete your Culture Projects! (2-3 pages about visiting a cultural event or interviewing someone from another culture)

The end of the term is Friday!


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